Thursday, September 3, 2020

Noun Formation: English And Vietnamese

Thing Formation: English And Vietnamese As we as a whole know, word are the most significant unit in one language. We use words regularly, in numerous different fields of life: from work to contemplating, structure casual circumstance to formal circumstance. From word, we can make phrases, sentences to correspondence with one another under numerous structures. Among words, thing is a somewhat pivotal part. Things have a few capacities in sentences. They can be the subject, an article, an appositive, or a supplement (Rakoczy). In this way, thing arrangement can be perceived as the sub procedure of word-development, and it will share some equivalent attribute of word development. My article is planned for recognizing, examining and differentiating the thing arrangement among English and Vietnamese to amplify the likenesses and contrasts. In view of this paper, I plan to enable my perusers to clear about thing development and help the teachers have an all inclusive point of view of the unavoidable blunders of learning process in both Vietnamese and English students. Thing FORMATION IN ENGLISH Since thing development is the sub-procedure of word-arrangement, it likewise adheres to the equivalent morphological guidelines of word-development. Things are shaped by morphemes also. As indicated by the order, we have aggravating, appendage or determination, and transformation. All the more explicitly: Attachment or deduction, structures things with appends. Exacerbating is the blend of at least two morphemes. Transformation, likewise called zero induction, is the formation of a word from a current word with no adjustment in structure (Conversion, 2001). For instance, word shifts from action word to thing without change of its morphemes. There is other thing arrangement, for example, reduplication, cutting, mixing, abbreviations, and obtaining. Reduplication is rehashing a thing with an adjustment in the first place consonant or change in the center vowel. Cutting is a procedure which comprises in the decrease of a word to one of its parts (Marchand:1969). Cutting is otherwise called truncation or shortening. (Cutting, 2001), without changing its importance. Mixing is joining of abbreviated of at least two morphemes to shape another word. Then again, abbreviations are things utilizing the underlying letters in words, phrases, or legitimate names. Last is getting, which really has two sorts: utilizing the specific word from another the language and interpreting it actually, we regularly called the second kind calque or credit interpretation. Thing FORMATION IN VIETNAMESE Like English, thing in Vietnamese was additionally shaped by morphemes. Nonetheless, the thing arrangement from attachment doesn't show up in Vietnamese for what it's worth in English. The free morpheme and bound morpheme in Vietnamese are characterized in an unexpected way. All the more especially, the bound morpheme in Vietnamese can be utilized as a different word. In English, when the bound morpheme remains solitary, it doesnt make a full word. In Vietnamese, thing was framed by joining two free morphemes, two bound morphemes, or one bound morpheme and one free morpheme. Accordingly, thing is framed by intensifying, change along with different techniques, for example, reduplication, cutting, abbreviations, and acquiring. Besides, due to the drawn out control of the Chineses administrations and French homesteader, the vocabularies which Vietnamese obtained from Chinese and French are various and different. CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 1. Attachment (Derivation) In this part, I will talk about the attachment in English. The joins include prefixes and postfixes. For instance, from the modifier exacting, we just need to add the postfixes - cy to shape the thing proficiency. Along with the postfixes, the prefixes additionally add to the thing arrangement. At the point when we offer another extra il-, we quickly have another thing lack of education which has the contrary significance to the thing proficiency. Subsequently, the prefix of thing can change the importance of the starting point, however it despite everything keeps up the word class. The addition, then again, when be joined to the base, it can change an action word to a thing or other word class. Some run of the mill postfixes for thing are: - subterranean insect, - er, - or, - ment㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦. What's more, prefixes and postfixes contain some given implications which were shown underneath: Prefixes Which means Additions Which means Against Against - tude condition of Mis- wrong, adrift - ist seller, practitioner Post- After - ism principle, conviction Dis- not, inverse of - ity condition Between between, among - cy condition De- dispose of - eer, - er, - or individual who 2. Compound things In English, with the exception of some single words are thing themselves, thing can be shaped by numerous strategies, for example, some in table Compound examples Models Thing + Noun circulatory system, beach, cabinet Modifier + Noun hardboard, blueberry, softball Action word + Noun pool, clothes washer Relational word + Noun inbox, outbox, jacket Action word + Verb make-work, drop-kick Action word + Preposition breakaway, fort, takeaway Expressions Compound stock-in-exchange, relative Unique Compound tetragon, antiquarianism As per the table, there are numerous examples to frame a thing. In any case, we can characterize all the examples into 3 classifications: The strong or shut structure: two words were consolidated as single word. Ex: plan, board. The hyphenated structure: two words are associated by a hyphen. Ex: child in-law, fasten up. The open or divided structure: the word comprises of two longer words, and regularly composed independently. Ex: high court, slow movement. In the interim, in Vietnamese we have the planned compound thing and the head and-extra compound thing, which were likewise known in Vietnamese are t㠡⠻â « ghã ©p đ㠡⠺â ³ng l㠡⠺â ­p and t㠡⠻â « ghã ©p chã ­nh ph㠡⠻â ¥. The organized compound thing is the thing was worked from two parts with equivalent importance, for instance: ch㠡⠻â £ bã ºa, qu㠡â ºn à ¡o㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦. The planned compound thing frequently communicates the general and manufactured significance which was one primary concern that makes it not quite the same as the head and adornment compound thing. The head and frill compound thing is the thing that includes two parts, in which one segment relies upon the other. The optional part will characterize the primary segment. For example: we have the primary segment is Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ ng, which implies the best approach, and the subsequent one is s㠡⠺â ¯t, a sort of metal that made this sort of wa y. At the point when we consolidate those two segments, we will have the new thing: Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ ng s㠡⠺â ¯t, which really implies railroad so as to recognize with Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ ng khã'ng, Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ ng th㠡â »y, Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ ng b㠡⠻â„ ¢Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦ 3. Change The change is a fascinating procedure of framing new word. It happens in both English and Vietnamese. Without changing its structures, we can change the significance of the word, even the word class (however I dont talk about word class-change since this article is centered around the thing arrangement, not the word development) all the more explicitly, lets inspect these two models: Ex 1: Firstly, in English, with the word stop in 2 sentences The time has come to end the savagery. I get off at the following stop. In the first, stop implies the demonstration of halting the viciousness, yet in the subsequent sentence, stop really implies a spot where a transport or train stops normally for travelers to jump on or off. Obviously, the type of the thing stop doesnt change. Ex 2: In Vietnamese, take the word ph㠡⠻å ¸ as model M㠡⠺â ¹ tã'i n㠡⠺â ¥u ph㠡⠻å ¸ r㠡⠺â ¥t ngon. Khã ¡ nhi㠡⠻⠁u ngã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ i Ä‘ã n Ã'ng hi㠡⠻†¡n nay cã ³ tã†â ° tã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¥ ¸ng chã ¡n cã†â ¡m thã ¨m ph㠡⠻å ¸. ph㠡⠻å ¸ in the principal sentence is a Vietnamese dish, yet the subsequent sentence suggests the significance of something new, particularly another ladies, not their spouses. Accordingly, English and Vietnamese take after one another on this procedure of shaping new things. Being utilized under numerous different conditions, the word itself creates various figurative implications. 4. Other development a. Reduplication Both English and Vietnamese have reduplication. Be that as it may, reduplication just holds onto few things in English. Vietnamese reduplication has two sorts: rehashing the entire word (ba, chã ¢u ch㠡⠺â ¥u, cã o cã o㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦) and rehashing a few segments of the word. Also, we dont find numerous Vietnamese things which have a place with the subsequent sorts. The most extreme length of Vietnamese reduplicative words is close to four, and the base length is two. The greater part of the reduplicative words are two-word length. Some of reduplicative English words are: ping pong, flip failure, tick-tock㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦. b. Cutting As indicated by Vã… Â © Ä⠐㠡⠻â ©c Nghi㠡⠻†¡u, Vietnamese just thinks about this procedure as impermanent structure or the verbally expressed type of word. By definition, it doesnt occur with each word (Nghi㠡⠻†¡u 2007). bã†â °Ã£â€ Ã¢ ¡m bã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢â‚¬ ºm Æ'â bã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢â‚¬ ºm ki-lã'- gam Æ'â kã ­ lã' Ä⠐㠡⠺â £ng c㠡⠻â„ ¢ng s㠡⠺â £n Vi㠡⠻†¡t Nam Æ'â Ä⠐㠡⠺â £ng Though, English have bunches of words was shaped by cutting, for example, photograph from photo, rhino from rhinoceros㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ c. Abbreviation By utilizing the underlying letters of an expression as single word, abbreviation has created a gigantic number a word. Since those words were made by abbreviation are more noteworthy than the expressions, numerous individuals like this sort of thing development, particularly in names of certain associations. In English, we have AIDS, radar㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦. In Vietnamese, we likewise have some acronymic words, for example, TW from trung Æ⠰ã†â ¡ng, CLB for cã ¢u l㠡⠺â ¡c b㠡⠻â„ ¢. d. Mixing Mixes manage the activity of abbreviating and afterward joining variou

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